Description of steps necessary for taking SecurityRAT into production.
Before installing SecurityRAT, you have to have the following components installed:
- JAVA 11
- Mariadb
- (recommended) Apache Web Server serving as a reverse proxy and terminating TLS
Installation & Configuration
- Download the latest release of SecurityRAT (securityrat.tar.gz archive).
- Unpack the downloaded archive to a desired location.
- Log into your mariadb server and create an empty database for this application.
Edit the database in the file
according to the examples.databaseName: $YourDatabase username: $DBUserName password: $DBUserPassword
- Enable TLS for spring boot if you don’t use a separate web server:
- e.g. generate a self-signed certificate in the root directory of SecurityRAT:
keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650
- add the following lines into
server: ssl: key-store: keystore.p12 key-store-password: $MyPassword keyStoreType: PKCS12 keyAlias: tomcat
- e.g. generate a self-signed certificate in the root directory of SecurityRAT:
Edit the authentication type and the Mail server configurarion in the file
.authentication: type: FORM mail: host: localhost # mail server port: 25 username: #might be needed depending on your mail server password: #might be needed depending on your mail server protocol: smtp tls: false auth: false from: securityRAT@localhost # from email address
Running the Application
- Switch to your SecurityRAT directory and run
java -jar securityrat.jar
. - Go to the URL of your server and log in using the default credentials admin/admin.
- Edit the constants in the application (under Administration -> constants) to the desired values.
- It is important to change the
password inprod mode
. - We recommended using a web server (e.g. Apache as a proxy, with a proper TLS configuration set etc).