Steps for deploying SecurityRAT as an LDAP client.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
If you’re not familiar with LDAP, please refer to these resources:
Integration steps
In order to deploy SecurityRAT as a LDAP client, just open the configuration file at src/main/resources/config/application.yml
(depending on whether you want to configure the development or production profile) and edit the following lines:
type: LDAP # possible values are CAS, FORM, LDAP or AZURE
registration: true # restrict the registration only to the administrators by setting the value to 'false'
url: ldap://
managerDN: cn=technicaluser,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com # Principal or technical user that is used to connect to the LDAP
managerPassword: neverSaveAPasswordInAConfigFile
userBaseDN: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
userSearchFilter: (&(uid={0})(objectClass=organizationalPerson))
groupBaseDN: ou=access groups,dc=example,dc=com
groupSearchFilter: member={0}
#groupRoleAttribute: # Attribute that contains the role name of an LDAP group. Default: cn
# Grants the corresponding roles if the user is member of a group with the mentioned groupRoleAttribute
# If no group is assigned, the corresponding role is automatically given to every authenticated user
groupOfAdmins: admin-group
groupOfTrainers: trainer-group
Restart the application and you’re done!